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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Archaeologist: An ancient warrior statue dating back more than 2,000 years

A new body of 220 ancient warriors has been discovered by a group of Chinese archaeologists under the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, the first Chinese emperor.

Archaeologists have also found 12 clay horses left with two carts, including a bronze sword, a bow and a shield. The discovery was announced by the China News Agency, made during the excavation of the No 1 hole in an area of ​​400 square meters.
Most of the newly discovered fighters can be divided into two groups, said Shen Maosheng, who led the excavation. One group was carrying a long stick while the other was holding a bow.

The ancient Terracotta Army was built about 2,200 years ago by that generation, believed to be able to protect Emperor Chen Shu after death. The army, consisting of about 8,000 soldiers, more than 500 horses and 130 cavalry, was assembled in three large pits near the emperor's palace.
It was first discovered in 1974 by farmers in northwest China, and in the excavation it also revealed the location of thousands of soldiers, each with its own characteristics. . The Emperor's Tomb is believed to be about 9 square meters, with the Terracotta army, along with workers and artisans. It is believed to have taken about 30 years to build. Year.
Archaeologists have made a new excavation at Pit No 1. Two hundred new warriors were found to be part of the effort. The project aims to better understand the military system and equipment used by the military in the Qin Dynasty.

According to Xinhua, the first pit contained 6,000 warriors and horses, and it was estimated to be more than 228 meters long and 60 meters wide.
Scientists are still conducting research to understand how this massive army was formed. Last year, researchers led by Marcos Martinon-Torres from the Department of Archeology at the University of Cambridge, UK, announced that the weapons at the site were "remarkably well maintained and the natural conditions in the pit" Best buried, some researchers have suggested, that generation might be aware of technology Some of the fastest that can prevent the degradation of these weapons.
During the 15-year Qing Dynasty, it was the first time China ruled and united the country. The ancient Terracotta and Emperor Qin Shi Huang were responsible for starting the Great Wall of China.

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