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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ten poisonous thoughts that will ruin your well-being

Top 10 Poisonous Thoughts for Your Health:

1. Think You Can Change Others: You can make others think, but you can't make them your own, because what you generally want is not the primary goal.

2. Expect you to be able to change the things that can't change: Although change is a law of nature, it is a law of nature. Only to be lost or everything is justified.

3. Make sure the grass is always green: The grass will only be green wherever you water it. Do not follow a routine that does not take into account the reasons and circumstances.
4. Expect too much for others or demand too much attention from others: Demands are a source of grief. Don't rely on others, learn to live on your own.

5. Demanding unless someone is with you will mean life: No one can live forever. Learn to live alone without actors for some time so you are strong.

6. Think you have to be right: No one can be right before it is wrong, especially when it comes to recognizing the right person.

7. Worry about other people's thinking about your life: You can't control someone's thoughts or feelings for your actions, as long as it's good and legal.

8. Hold on to the right thing to do the right thing: Practice a win-win strategy, don't let anyone lose so everything is fine, there's no wrong and you're looking for a solution.

9. Feel unmotivated for the future: What the future holds, no one knows, live better today than yesterday, and tomorrow will be fine.

10. Think of yourself as a victim or a weak person: Think of yourself as a bad self-blaming and make you more hopeless and less willing to live.

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