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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Three major vaccines, family members, should be given

Vaccination can protect ourselves and family members from other illnesses. Dr. Chan Chan, deputy director of the health center in charge of vaccines at the Kandal provincial referral hospital, said, "Better prevention than cure." »Therefore, three vaccines should be selected to protect against these major diseases:
1/ The flu vaccine
This vaccine, regardless of age, male or female, is expected to be vaccinated against influenza, and the surgeon can Protect both the fetus.

2/ Hepatitis B Vaccine
Newborns will get the vaccine. Adults need to be vaccinated to stop the spread of Hepatitis B - it is more than 95% safe and protected by us. When injected, it creates antigens. We can give two or three injections over a period of six months, depending on our age.

3/ The cervical cancer vaccine
For girls 9 years of age and older, this vaccine may be used to prevent cancer. The cervix. Girls who have not yet had sexual intercourse are almost 100% effective, and vaccines against cervical cancer and genital herpes Both boys can be vaccinated to prevent male-to-female transmission.

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