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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The bride ran out of virginity to get her husband to marry her

Ros Chantha, 19, a native of O'Kanthor village, O'Kanthor commune, Steung Sen district, Kampong Thom province, lives with her husband in Bak Nim village, Chhmar commune, Chum Kiri district, Kampot province. She is the eldest of eight children. (4 boys and 4 girls) whose mother is Lam Thi, 46, her father, Sien Ros, 52, is a farmer. As a young girl, she graduated from Prek Khsay High School, but because of her poor family, she decided to drop out. She then went to work in the county, paid her mother to pay for her family until she was 15, not yet quite a virgin, she set fire to her now husband, 25-year-old Hang Sophea. She then went to work in Mondulkiri for her, and her husband went to work there.

Chantha said that in the beginning, the couple had only been friends for a while, but after seeing the couple and agreed to meet each other in the morning, the friendship had grown into a romance. The couple's heart at that time collapsed into a breakup and on the evening of the couple's wedding, they were always in love. Meet each other during the night, which burn the love between them, burning day by day, and even breaking the tradition, acknowledging that her first love was really sweet. Honey, honey, and later on, the couple are often addicted to rummaging around, playing a series of hot love games without fear of the main ghost. A grudge.
Chantha said that when she ignited her first romantic relationship with her ex-boyfriend, she did not tell her mother, but later broke her phone to tell her that not only he was to blame her, but also Slowly get her to marry her husband but not lose her virginity. Especially if there is an opportunity to bring this illegitimate son-in-law to visit him at home. Having been given the green light by such a mother, the couple have been living together as a couple for three years now and have a daughter in love and plan to get married in the future. Soon to get rid of the ghost ghost mastermind because of her past two brothers sick of two sick people when they begged forgiveness and made it white. Heal.

Her husband Hang Sophea, 25, said he was a poor farmer's son. He knew only the fields and fields and hired laborers. Since he was a young man, he did not know how to love a woman when he went to work in Mondulkiri and met his wife today, so he failed to fall in love and fall in love with her. . Unbearable, he risked his love for her until she softened his hand to the nun and volunteered as a married couple today. In fact, the couple did not want to live illegitimate in this way, it did not fit in the eyes of relatives, but he did not want to spend the day just to try to save money and get married. He thinks that long before the harvest season this year, the couple will hand in traditional wedding bridal shawls.
Mr. Vuthy, 51, and Keo Pea, 33, said that since the nephew and the couple met, they love each other very much like ants and sugar because they do not have a proper taste. Yes. They want their spouses to get married, but due to their poverty, their nephew is determined to be born a nation must be married and they do not want to be riled just to wait until today. Enough money. But if the nephew plans to go to the wedding after the harvest, then it's fine. They are ready to assist in the smooth running of the event. Kimtie Garden

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