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Friday, October 8, 2021

Three different cities in Cambodia turned into smart cities, what are the differences?

 Phnom Penh, Battambang and Siem Reap have been selected as members of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network. A smart city is not only a technologically advanced city, but also a livable city. ). This is according to HE Prum Sokha, Minister of Public Works.

A smart city is a city for everyone and services such as jobs, food, transportation, education, security, water, electricity, environment can respond to Everyone's needs.

Pub street area in Siem Reap city

What are the benefits of a smart city? According to the Center for Cambodia 4.0, explained the benefits of creating a smart city.

Clean Cities Can Help Make Better Decisions Based on Data:

Big data advances allow cities to access information like never before. Data analysis enables the government and local authorities to understand the needs of the people. Small and large companies can also learn to understand the needs of customers more clearly to make products and services more competitive.

Smart cities can enhance the relationship between the state and the people:

People in smart cities can engage with the government to develop their cities by engaging in ideas as well as providing data to show support and Participate in funding their favorite projects in building a clean city.

Smart cities help increase city security:

AI technology for face recognition (Al For Facial Recognition) equipped with security cameras allows local authorities to monitor and identify criminals or suspects among Many people who can help protect people from crime.

Smart cities help protect the environment:

Clean urban technologies such as renewable energy technology, which is the sustainable use of electricity through the conversion of energy from solar heat, wind and Flowing water can help prevent global warming.

Smart cities facilitate travel:

Clean City uses smart traffic light technology that can determine traffic lights according to the actual flow of traffic and effectively control the flow of traffic. As a result, congestion is reduced.

Smart cities help to use resources efficiently:

Due to limited natural resources, we can use smart technology to help reduce some energy consumption and reduce costs. The smart sensor can help identify where the water leaks so that the mechanic can repair them quickly, which saves water.

Smart cities help improve infrastructure:

Roads, bridges and older buildings usually require a lot of investment to maintain and repair. Smart technology can give cities the ability to predict and identify infrastructure and locations that need to be repaired before they are completely destroyed to save money and resources. Protect the safety of the people and improve the living environment.

Source: Kampuchea Thmey

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