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Friday, October 8, 2021

Do not think too much of yourself! Women think it's normal, but men have the most pressure

 In a romantic relationship, if two people do not try to understand each other much, the romantic relationship will be difficult to get along as well as close to each other, so two people must know how to understand each other. As much as.

It is true that when two people do not understand each other, it will make it difficult for two people to get along, as there are some things that women think are just ordinary and simple things, but some of them Can make men feel a lot of pressure, that's why two people should understand each other more is better.

These are the things that women think are normal, but men are the most stressful:

1. Jealousy

It is common for jealousy to occur in a relationship between two people because jealousy comes from love, worry about losing, but it is not uncommon for women to be overly jealous. And for no apparent reason, it is not only not uncommon, but it is also one of the heaviest pressures for men due to the excessive jealousy of women.

2. Spending time together

The older a person gets, the more busy he or she becomes with his or her responsibilities. For women, the thought of finding time to be with the person they love is the most common thing that people in love always want. Close to each other, but if too demanding, it will become a pressure of men, so women do not need to demand too much time from them, if they really love you, they will try to take time for you.

3. Forbid them to do what they want to do

Usually, most women think that banning their boyfriend from doing something is clear that women really want their boyfriend to be good, but women forget that everyone has a passion. Different minds, even if two people love each other, can not have the same thoughts. Therefore, if women always forbid them to do what they want to do, it is as if women are in control of their lives, moreover, it also becomes a serious pressure for men.

4. Marriage

Not just long-term love, all want to get married immediately, can get married immediately, on the other hand, for women think that long-term love and get married soon is normal, but for men, this is One of the biggest pressures is that if a man does not have a strong position, what ability can he have to build a family? Therefore, women, do not try to put too much pressure on them, you should leave some time, on the other hand, if they really love you, they will honor you and sooner or later they will get engaged to you in the traditional way.

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