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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Mr. William said to take the water, take the land, Now thieves steal the brand


On August 26, 2021, the Cambodian Embassy in the United States issued a proclamation to inform all Cambodians that the Embassy has recently found a case of distribution in the United States of dried noodles. Which is not a product of Cambodia.

Regarding the above case, Mr. Sok Sovann Vathana Sabung, alias William, said on the night of August 27, as follows: Deep love, you all already know the traces of the bitter history of Cambodia with Vietnam, for I like to call it "South Korea", where we have lost a large number of territories to this country, it is a painful historical reality. The heart of our people all over the country.

It should also be noted that although Cambodia has recently implemented a law to evacuate Vietnamese immigrants from the river, the Vietnamese side has not shown any responsibility and cooperation in repatriating its citizens. The issue of water and land is one thing, but I would like to present some more economic clues to let you know that at present, some of Cambodia's agricultural markets are Vietnam, which is a middleman who sets the market price once, that rubber is expensive, that pepper is expensive, and rubber is used to grow pepper. In order to produce more agricultural products, some fertilizers are all Vietnamese, some of which contain soil-destroying nutrients, which means that agricultural products are bought at a fixed price, and our land is often damaged. No more crops left. For this, one day I will research the evidence and show it to my compatriots.

Returning to our topic, apart from the two stories that I have leaked, there is another case where Cambodia is being sold to the international stage "brand thief", we all know that Vietnamese products are not very popular. Quality, because the Korean business's growing, but the business is not very honest, so some products are profitable, but they put the Khmer brand to sell on the international stage, this factor is not only their business. No, they dragged us to sell to foreigners, there is more confusion. As an immoral factor, as a friendly country, it is one thing, but in law, it is a trademark violation to be held accountable.

As for the people of Cambodia, they should change from swearing alone and strengthen themselves to make their products to be sold in the international market to take the quality of real products to kill the products of thieves.

In general, our people are more angry than self-development, this is a big weakness that should be improved.

Finally, I would like to express my full support for the actions of the Cambodian Embassy in the United States in taking action against the traders who stole this trademark. Please encourage Cambodian consulates in other countries to check more, lest this case in other countries. I also hope that our North Korean brothers and sisters will learn to do more good deeds so as not to tarnish national prestige, as I remember when President Barack Obama visited Vietnam at that time before he showed hospitality with Vietnamese people take off the ring for fear of being stolen.

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