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Saturday, August 28, 2021

For 10 years, actress Duch Sophea still does not care about having a new love, willing to live with her son so happily

 Phnom Penh: Indeed, it has been about 10 years since actor Duch Sophea parted ways with her husband, leaving a son in bondage. To this day, she continues to live with her son, enjoying an extraordinary extravagant life.

In fact, Duch Sophea used to say that she would choose a new father for her son when her son grew up, but now that her son is 11 years old, Duch Sophea is still living. Two sons. Despite the news that Duch Sophea is still charming, there are many men who fall in love with her, most of them are also rich, but until now, 10 years ago, Duch Sophea still did not No new partner yet, but some sources say that Duch Sophea does not want to show

Because she is a star, she does not like to show her private life on social media. Meanwhile, Duch Sophea has returned to the arts, as she participated in filming a TV series with actor Tim Ratha, which she expects her to do. Will be supported by the masses after the TV show. It is noticeable that she is almost 40 years old, but the beauty of this actress is still naturally beautiful and very attractive. Source: popular

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