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Monday, August 23, 2021

Because of this, Lee Evathina does not want to get married even though she is almost 40 years old!

 After nearly 20 years in the art world, Chinese hybrid singer Li Yiwatina is considered by the next generation of artists to be one of the most talented artists in the art world. .

This year, singer Lee Iwatsina is 36 years old, but the petite actress is still able to keep her beauty, body and younger.

Meanwhile, at the age of 40, the owner of the song "Sorry did not answer the word" love "does not seem to have any plans to get married yet, while his fellow artists, such as Ms. Chin Sereya, Ms. Sokun Nisa, Ms. Ok Sokun Kanha and Ms. Youk Thitratha are married and have children respectively.

However, the truth of the reason why Ms. Lee Ivatina revealed to "People" on her 36th birthday, "Now she has not thought and has not decided to fall in love and choose a man as a partner. Shake hands to enter the factory. So far, she is taking her time and heart, busy with many businesses in one hand, the love story aside.

Although it has not been confirmed when she decided to take a break from business, Lee Ivatina is now very happy to expand her business, having previously opened a restaurant. Named Liting Dim Sum Hong Kong Million Mushroom Soup. After that, Ms. Lee Ivatina also started an online business by selling beauty products. In addition, in early 2021, Li Yiwatina added an exclusive import of beauty products from Shanghai, China and opened a beauty salon.

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