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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Why is "packaged noodles" not suitable for people who want to lose weight?

 Noodles are easy to eat and for many people, whether eaten at night or at meal time. It is an affordable food and satisfies the stomach anytime, anywhere, especially with its delicious taste.

Noodles do not provide much energy and are usually eaten for weight loss. Although noodles do not provide much energy, noodles should not be used as food for weight loss.

Dr. Thidakan Ruchipattanakul, M.D. Dermatologist Samitivej Sukhumvit of Thailand, an anti-aging specialist, confirms that instant noodles, although they are not high in calories However, it is not a good choice for people who lose weight because noodles are high in sodium, so it is not good for kidney health.

The salty taste in instant noodles will increase appetite

Noodles are processed foods that have been researched to show that they help increase appetite and determine fat points, which the body will normally try to maintain in excess or too little fat. Body.

Why ready meals are not suitable for people who are losing weight

Ultra-processed or chemically processed foods such as preservatives, emulsifiers, food coloring, Fructose Syrup, it can be found in snacks, beverages. Etc.

Frozen foods, soups, canned noodles, packaged sausages, seasonal cereals, etc. are not suitable for people who lose weight because as a result we need good food to fill the body. Control yourself less and eat more to help your body fight disease.

If you want to choose foods that are easy to eat, low in energy and physically healthy, you should cut down on processed foods and focus on real foods or foods made from fresh foods such as fresh vegetables and ingredients. Many other natures.

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