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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Khmer-American Chhun Sotheara Conquers Mother's Heart, Achieves Goal in Sports


    Abroad: Most fans must have already known about the Cambodian-American Chhun Sotheara (Sotheara Chhun), who was the first Cambodian to be able to appear in the top arena, AEW (All Elite Wrestling). .

In his first appearance at AEW, Sotheara did not hide his identity as Khmer, that is, he wore gold pants with the image of Angkor Wat in the ring, which received a lot of attention from the people. Cambodians.

According to the Asian Weekly website, Sotheara has been fascinated by sports since he was a child, as he often watches and watches on TV with his grandparents.

Although they often sit together watching sports, Sotheara revealed that his grandfather was worried he did not want him to pursue this career, especially his mother did not support, citing the fear of injury.

However, this is just a concern of the family, as during the four years of his career as an athlete, Sotheara has never suffered a serious injury.

Sotheara has been training wrestling since high school at Global Connections. After graduating from high school, Sotheara dropped out of college to pursue a wrestling career at Buddy Wayne Academy, where he learned how to fall and perform in the ring.

By 2020, Sotheara achieved his goal by having the opportunity to compete in AEW with his first Tag Team match with VSK.

At the same time, AEW can be said to be Sotheara's first step in achieving the next goal, according to the same source, this Cambodian-American hybrid aspires to pursue a career at WWE World No. 1.

It should be reminded that Sotheara's mother and father emigrated from Cambodia to live in the United States in the 1970s to escape the Khmer Rouge regime.

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