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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Very surprised !! After seeing a beggar woman, she has a beautiful figure like a fairy

 Many fans must have wondered on Facebook about a beautiful woman begging. This is probably a case you have never heard of before when a female beggar was encountered. Seen in Kuala Lumpur in the middle of last year, she is famous because she is a top beggar who looks almost like a model after her appearance on social media.

In the picture, the beautiful beggar looks in her 20s and has been named the most beautiful beggar in the capital. The beggar, who begged at the bus stop to feed his stomach, was shocked six months later.

But the real beauty beggar is 30-year-old actress Anzalna Nasir. She played the role of a beggar to gain experience in society to raise awareness for the homeless and the poor. But fans are still surprised because they do not know that she is an actress. The actress was also married in 2016 to her fiancé Anzalna.

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