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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Don't forget! 3 Medications for Mild Covid Patients Need to Have at Home


Covid-19 virus continues to spread in the community. Everyone is at risk of infection, even young children, young and old.

Nowadays, we are all cautious, but breakouts can still occur with more and more Covid virus infections. Therefore, in order to ease the burden on health officials as well as make it easier for Covid-19 patients, the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Cambodia has allowed patients to stay at home on their own and introduced a number of symptomatic measures and treatments, including:

1. Asymptomatic cases

If the patient is positive for Kovid-19 and has no symptoms such as no cough, fever below 37.5 ° C, no runny nose, no sore throat and normal condition, they do not need any medication to treat it.

2. Symptomatic cases

If the patient is an adult or a child weighing 30 kg or more and has symptoms such as fever over 37.5 degrees Celsius, muscle pain, sore throat, they can take 500 mg of paracetamol 3 times a day. .

For children weighing 20-29 kg, take 300 mg of paracetamol 3 times a day.

In additional cases, patients may have symptoms such as nasal congestion or runny nose or cough (with or without mucus), which they are adults or children aged 6 years and older should take Bromhexine 8 m. Take 3 times a day or Cetirizine 10 mg once a day.

3. Implementing health measures during home treatment

- Stay in a separate room, clean and well ventilated.

Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol and keep at least 2 meters away from other members.

Eat a nutritious diet (meat, vegetables, fruits) and drink plenty of water.

- Monitor your health frequently and regularly.

-Maintain mental health and exercise regularly

-Do not smoke, drink alcohol or other alcoholic beverages

-Use materials and laundry separately from family members

-Dispose of garbage properly and separately.

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