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Monday, September 6, 2021

Stop confusing! This snake is not a snake in the Mohanorko era

As you know, on the morning of September 4, 2021, there was a misunderstanding about a kind of snake, saying: Yes, it can live for thousands of years. Every day, they live in the forest and the cave, big and deep, there are big trees, there is a lot of water around, so it is easy to catch large prey animals such as tigers, elephants, cattle, wild ox ូស. Even humans dare to enter the area and rarely return alive. However, after seeing the wrong message about the snake above, suddenly a Facebook page called Biodiversity of Cambodia confirmed the truth about the snake above: Khmer name: Snake (not a mortar) Scientific name: Acrochordus javanicus Other names: Wart snakes, Java wart snakes, file snakes, elephant trunk In the mangrove forest!
It is a non-venomous snake and it is present in our Southeast Asian countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam! And it is a rare species of snake that is rarely seen or suffered from trafficking because its skins are bought at a high price. Thousands of ivory snakes are killed in large numbers each year for Its skin is used as a raw material in the factory and part of it also takes its flesh! Due to the large number of them in the wild, their names are not on the endangered species list! Elephant snakes generally have a body length of about 2 m to 2.50 m, and female snakes can be three to four times larger than males! Many elephant snakes have light yellow copper heads along their sides! This snake has skin and a skin like tiny thorns, which is a tool to protect itself from being hunted by other animals! Snakes and elephants hunt for food by hiding and raiding at once, so most of the animals that feed on it 80% do not easily escape!

Elephants are snakes that eat meat, fish and reptiles! And they only go out at night, most of the time they spend more time in the water than on land because in their water they are easier to move than on land. That is difficult to move on land! Elephants can dive for 40 minutes at a time and come up when their lungs run out of air! Even though the snake is not venomous, those who are bitten can be in great pain because their fangs are stuck in the flesh! The cobra is a snake that is different from other snakes in that it does not lay its eggs like other snakes. Instead, the female snake keeps its eggs in its body until it hatches. Between 6 and 17 babies in 5 to 6 months! And it has a life cycle of only 5 to 6 years.

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