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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Night sweats can be a sign of leukemia


Sweating is common during the summer, but if we always sweat, no matter what the weather. As such, it can be a sign of a serious health problem. Obviously, excessive sweating and other symptoms such as fever, fatigue, bleeding and weight loss may be symptoms. Of leukemia. Therefore, we should understand the difference between normal night sweats and sweating. Indicate health risks.

Night sweats caused by leukemia

In case we sweat a lot at night, even if we sleep in a cold environment, it may be a sign of illness Leukemia. However, other symptoms that accompany night sweats include:

Loss of appetite



In children, the symptoms are:

Bleeding or bruising

Pain in the bones

Lymph nodes


People with leukemia may experience night sweats due to a lack of healthy blood cells. Excessive accumulation of leukemia cells in the bone marrow may prevent the body from forming cells, according to a new study. Healthy enough blood or platelets cause the body to start producing abnormal blood cells. At the same time, our body raises the temperature to fight off infections that cause us to have a fever and Sweating at night.

Night sweats can also be a sign of other health conditions

If we do not have other symptoms of leukemia, excessive sweating may be a sign of a health condition. Others. In older women, it can be a sign of menopause. Of course, night sweats can also be associated with pregnancy, anxiety, infection, hormonal abnormalities or hypoglycemia. Low blood pressure. On the other hand, it can also be caused by other substances that we absorb, such as drugs or alcohol.

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