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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Basics of CV writing for first job applicants

 For seniors looking for a job or changing jobs frequently, writing a CV becomes very simple and easy. On the other hand, for those who are just starting out, especially students who are studying part-time, but have some problems in writing a CV to scale and attract recipients.

It's no longer a problem if you read this article and apply the 5 basic tips for writing a CV, you will have more chances to qualify for the job application.

1. Do not write too long! CV should be written no more than 2 pages and written in a simple way.

2. Do not just flow that is not related to work! You should write a CV related to the needs of the job you want to do, then the CV is attractive.

3. References should be submitted from teachers or people with specific skills to make your CV easier to attach.

4. Do not forget to submit past work experience! Should be included in the CV if you have worked as a volunteer or have any experience.

5. Review all angles before submitting to the job application. CVs should be checked, including words, spelling and photos, to avoid mistakes.

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