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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The situation in Vietnam seems to be stabilizing under control because the Vietnamese people have contracted many new diseases.


Vietnam: Many people in Vietnam have been forced to evacuate by the government, and some have asked to leave their hometowns due to the lack of control of the epidemic. In the meantime, the number of leprosy cases has risen to 80%, which is a bad picture, suggesting that the spread of Covid 19 in Vietnam is likely to spread. Get louder and louder, even if it keeps going.

The situation is unimaginable and will continue to exist under any circumstances, as some migrants in Vietnam have now returned to their home villages on the border, so there will be a higher risk. At this one place.

Thousands of Vietnamese VNs have left Ho Chi Minh City (Prey Nokor) after the city was closed, leaving their homeland on their own motorbikes, some of which have traveled more than 1,000 kilometers. They took the narrow path and rested on the road for a few days until they reached their home.

They lost their jobs and could no longer live in the city, deciding to leave as required by the government, which would allow them to relocate to their respective provinces to ease the burden on Ho Chi Minh City. While the outbreak in Ho Chi Minh City accounts for up to 80% of cases nationwide, the exodus could exacerbate parts of the country.

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