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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Another 3 million doses of Sinovak vaccine arrive in Cambodia today


(Phnom Penh): An additional 3 million doses of Sinovak vaccin 19 vaccine, ordered by the Royal Government of Cambodia, will be shipped from China to Cambodia this morning.

Youk Sambath, secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, told news that the vaccine would arrive in Cambodia at 9am.

She added that the vaccine will help the government achieve a vaccination plan for people aged 18 and over, as well as children and adolescents aged 12 to under 18.

Vaccines are an important tool in the fight against the 19 epidemics of Covid in the world, in addition to preventive measures. The Royal Government of Cambodia, headed by Samdech Techo Hun Sen, has launched a plan to provide vaccines to the people as part of a strategic plan to combat the 19 cases of Covid.

The Royal Government of Cambodia has made every effort to find a vaccine for the people. To date, Cambodia has received about 20 million doses of the vaccine. This includes both grants and orders.

Through these vaccines, Cambodia has vaccinated more than 8 million people aged 18 and over. Separately, more than 350,000 children and adolescents from 12 to under 18 years of age.

Cambodia is not only a regional leader in vaccinating adults and young people. Cambodia has now stepped in to give the third dose of 19 vaccines to the front-line fighters against Covid, as well as to priority ministries and institutions.

The results of this vaccination work show the high consideration and responsibility of the Royal Government on maintaining the well-being of the people in the fight against the deadly 19 diseases.

Civil servants of the Armed Forces of all kinds, the people expressed their satisfaction, happiness and gratitude to the Royal Government of Cambodia, Samdech Techo Hun Sen as the head for the efforts to find vaccines for them.

Currently, Cambodia has four types of vaccines given to the people: Sinofam, Sinovak, AstraZenica and Johnson & Johnson.

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