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Saturday, July 3, 2021

Man willing to live with a short woman

Love is a beautiful thing, regardless of gender, age, class, race, no matter who can have love and also have the right to love like this woman, as long as there is clarity and responsibility. Felomino Lumanao, a Filipino man, has fallen in love with a 96-centimeter-tall, stunted woman named Dallaine. Mae Tacan is 31 years old.

When the two of them agreed to get to know each other and learn from each other, the two of them were really in harmony with each other in terms of feelings, preferences and emotions, so they both agreed to continue this love. Until holding hands in the wedding hall. But because the bride is not very tall, less than a meter

The boy's parents initially did not allow the two to marry. But in the end, this man used his love to prove to everyone that the two of them really love each other sincerely. He tried to persuade the family almost every day, arguing that love and happiness were so great that his parents agreed to marry him.

A year and a half later, the couple got married and became a legal couple, and when their love story came out, it really excited everyone.

Finally, the two of them lived happily together, now they have two children, but their love has not changed, and the boy's parents do not care about the journey, only words Wish the two children to live together until old age, gray hair.

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