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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

You do not like to read this article and will definitely buy food!

Nonong is often used as an ingredient in many Asian dishes and traditional medicine due to its combination of nutrients and herbs.

1 for the brain
This vegetable contains iron, which stimulates the movement of oxygen in the body, which allows the brain to function properly. Other parts of the body also need oxygen to stay in peak condition.

2 Detoxify the blood
It not only stimulates the movement of oxygen but also increases the production of red blood cells that supply it throughout the body. Together with vitamin B6, iron prevents anemia from occurring and detoxifies the blood.

3 For the cardiovascular system
Vitamin B5, found in bananas, lowers the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the heart and bloodstream and reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Heart.

4 for the immune system
Nonong juice strengthens the body's defenses against disease and helps speed recovery by supplementing it with vitamin C and antibiotics.

5 good for the eyes
Eye strain or narrowing of the eyes that can cause blindness is something we will all experience one day. Nong contains Vitamin A, an essential nutrient for maintaining our eyesight.
6 good for skin
Vitamins A and C are good for the skin in general. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin cell growth, while Vitamin C prevents aging, dry skin and wrinkles. They also moisturize the skin, prevent the occurrence of acne and other blemishes.

7 good for nerves
People can be in pain when nerves send signals to the brain. As a result, it can be stressful, causing the body to feel abnormally painful, leading to migraines and other aches and pains. Magnesium is found on the scalp and it helps maintain the condition of nerve cells.

8 good for the digestive system
It is boiled and drunk to help the body excrete wastes and prevent you from gaining or gaining weight. Suffering from constipation.

9 good for blood sugar
Manganese is one of the many nutrients that are introduced into the body through eating. It increases insulin, which allows the body to digest and consume sugar faster and more efficiently.

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