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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Who ever ate? Kantout Prey help care for skin and health

Kantout Prey has some bitter and bitter taste for those who do not know how to eat, it may be difficult or do not want to touch at all. But you do not know that this wild fruit is a cure for many diseases, almost unbelievable.

1 for anti-aging and clear skin
The more antioxidants and vitamin C in the body, the more people can prevent premature aging. Cells are protected from the inside, meaning no harmful free radicals are present. It makes the skin look younger and fresher than usual, especially to get rid of acne and bruises.

2 Good for digestion and weight loss
Easily breaking down protein from the food you eat, as well as the general health process of digestion, will facilitate a healthy digestion. Especially for women weight loss.

3 for appetite
Mixing wild buckwheat flour with honey before eating can improve appetite. So for those who have anorexia, such as anemia, fever, indigestion, liver disease, respiratory problems and other conditions. Can be helped by wild shoots.

4 for bones
This fruit contains calcium, which helps develop strong and healthy bones, as well as teeth and gums. This wild fruit is essential for the elderly since the bones are fragile compared to the young.

4 for cancer patients
The cytotoxic properties of this fruit focus on the development of cervical and ovarian cancer. The antioxidants and vitamin C in wild boar help reduce the number of free radicals that can damage cells.

5 for intestinal health
Because wild bran is a wild fruit and has many health benefits, it has many benefits, such as helping to increase digestive juices. Feed from food and constipation problems related to the intestines.
6 for hair
Hair that is bulky, dry or split ends, just take a boil, boil it in water and wash it. It can make hair grow faster and faster.

7 for the heart
Although this fruit has a slightly sour and bitter taste, it is sweet to the heart. It means that this fruit can control blood circulation and strengthen the heart muscle. Both of these processes contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system.

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