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Monday, March 29, 2021

Strange! How to choose a wife of Mark Zuckerburg

    Mark Zuckerburg: My wife, she is not beautiful. Many people ask me, "Why do not you choose a beautiful wife when you have so much money?" In their eyes, I should choose a woman who is prettier than Prescilla Chan, my wife today ...

Before answering this question, I would like to ask you all how "beautiful women" and "ugly women" are different?

To be honest, I really have a lot of opportunities to meet beautiful women, and there are many women who want to be my wife, but beautiful women are like hearts made of glass ... It is very easy to break ... to put it simply, the more beautiful a woman is, the more difficult it is for us to take care of ...

Some beautiful girls are arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant.

“Yi sir! You have a lot of money like me and why don't you change your car? ”

I know that they intend to want me as a husband because they want to show off or bury the clouds and then constantly beg for money in the position: She is the wife of a millionaire ...

On the other hand, if a beautiful girl can only beg for money and is not satisfied, she is just a bad girl for me, you know?

This beautiful girl left me empty, I do not take!

Did you know that beauty is just an external decoration, it will change from day to day, we do not live as an external beauty, but the beauty in the heart will become more beautiful when As her age increased ...

If so, it's a question you have to ask me: "What good is my wife that made me choose her?"

Her face reflects her heart and her smile completely breaks my heart! ”

From the time she was pregnant, she kept her smile on her face and did not care about the changes in her body, she kept her simplicity and harmony.

I admire her simplicity and appearance. She is a woman who is compassionate, smart, brave, creative and very caring.

With her, I feel very comfortable, warm and comfortable. She never used or exploited me, made or defended her bragging rights, and she was very intelligent because she graduated from Harvard Medical School.

Did you know that marriage is like a pair of shoes, only you know if the shoes are comfortable to wear ...

To me, my wife really deserves me! I got to know her when we lined up for the bathroom, while my heart told her she was my life partner!

In your eyes, my wife is not beautiful, but in my eyes she is beautiful and very worthy of me!

Hess, hey! I can not control myself and I want to brag by showing you this photo!

In this photo, she and I look like we are really happy.

Oh! Forget to tell one clearly:

 "Simplicity is really beautiful!"

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