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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Uncle Horn was summoned by the police for questioning about Lives' misconduct from traffic law enforcement


After the KH Plus News website launched the Lives from the activities of the land traffic police to tighten the enforcement of traffic laws by using inappropriate behavior on the authorities who are on duty, Major General Chhoeun Socheat, Kandal Provincial Police Commissioner, ordered the Chief of Office Road traffic police research and respond to the content of the press live.

In this case, the Information and Quick Reaction Team of Kandal Provincial Police is honored to respond to the media and the public who use social media. Please be informed that on January 18, 2021, the Land Traffic Police Office of Kandal Provincial Police led By Lieutenant Colonel Khieu Bunthoeun ID 65652 Position Deputy Director of the Road Traffic Police Office and Chairman of the Road Traffic Law Enforcement and Driving Team under the influence of alcohol at the target point on National Road 1 at Kbal Chroy Kampong Phnom Commune, Leuk Dek District, Kandal Province, in cooperation with the Intervention Police Force and the Traffic Police Force of the Leuk Dek District Police Inspectorate.

During the operation, the police stopped a golden TOYOTA HIGHLENDER with license plate Phnom Penh 2AV-9264, driven by Phin Doum, male, 40 years old, resident of Prey Phav Village, Samley Commune, Kampong Rou District, Svay Rieng Province. Seat belts. At that time, Phat Horn (Uncle Horn), male, 33 years old, resided in Tuol Angkob village, Sambour commune, Svay Teap district, Svay Rieng province, Occupation: Red Crab journalist, Deputy Editor, who was riding in the back of the car, came down to work LIVE VIDEOS without asking Permission and exaggeration.

Until January 19, 2021, the Land Traffic Police Office of Kandal Provincial Police has summoned Yim Sarem, Director of Red Crab Press and Phat Horn, Deputy Director of Red Crab Press, to the Office Roles and responsibilities of the authorities and based on the instructions of the Minister of Information, who reminded all journalists not to film in the jurisdiction of the banned authorities are working because the journalism profession is not listening to the ban. No, the authorities have the right to arrest the journalist at that time. Therefore, journalists and the public who use social media, please be informed and do not be confused.

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