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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Koh Tral, a former island of Cambodia, has been opened by the Vietnamese government as a casino

 According to a recent Vietnamese press release, seeing the potential for huge revenue from the casino industry in Cambodia, the Vietnamese government has now approved a law to open a casino industry in Phu Quoc (Koh Tral). In competition with Cambodia.

Vietnam licenses to open casino industry on Phu Quoc Island (Koh Tral) to compete with Cambodia Because in ASEAN, only Cambodia earns hundreds of millions of dollars from this sector

Especially wealthy Vietnamese people spend money on gambling at casinos Along the border of Cambodia and wealthy Chinese tourists have also flowed into Cambodia.

Therefore, the Vietnamese government has decided to allow the new law to take advantage of this sector. To support as well as increase the economy for the better.

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Some Cambodians allege that the regime of the People's Republic of Cambodia was the cause of the loss of Koh Tral in 1979, while others claim that it disappeared from 1981 or 1982 But this accusation is not true, it is not fair. Therefore, before making any accusation of wrongdoing, the Cambodian people must know how to weigh carefully not to hear their politicians It's impossible to shout like a scorpion. Politicians usually find all kinds of ways, even though they know that way is a deception, they do it to deceive the people to Distorting history only for their political gain.

Related to the history of the loss of Koh Tral, according to a document created by King Norodom Sihanouk wrote that in 1960 in When Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai came to attend the funeral of his father, King Norodom Suramarit, he took the opportunity to invite Zhou Nalay rode a warship with him on the Khmer Sea, Kep area for entertainment.

When he saw the huge island of Tral nearby, Zhou Enlai said that this island (Koh Tral) should not be given to him by the French. Vietnam? This confirms that Koh Tral was lost before 1960.

What we should consider further is that in 1975, after the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh and some provincial towns On April 17, for almost 20 days, the Khmer Rouge ordered their troops under Meas Muth Ta Mok's son-in-law, the chief of the Southwest Zone, ordered the return of Koh Tral. On May 4, Khmer Rouge troops occupied Koh Tral, and six days later occupied Tho CHH. ) Which the French called the island of Poulo Panjang (Poulo Panjang) and the Khmer called the nail island. But two weeks later, Vietnamese troops recaptured Koh Tral, killing many of the Khmer Rouge and taking them captive. About 300 students.

We should consider that if in 1975 and before this year had not lost Koh Tral, ask what the Khmer Rouge had to do. Take back that island? On May 4, 1975? The CPP has become one of the most unjust victims of the loss of Koh Tral. For those who understand the history of the history of the loss of Koh Tral, this is not a problem, but for those who believe in propaganda Of some unscrupulous politicians drown in​ The propaganda of some unscrupulous politicians who believe in propaganda to distort history should be considered and researched to find out the truth. The problem of losing Koh Tral, do not just believe the politicians want to profit without shame. 

Excerpted from​

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