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Friday, July 3, 2020

Protect and keep your ears safe from some of these techniques

The ear is one of the five organisms, so preserving that organ is important. Not possible. Through the American Association of Ear Specialists, EarQ shares some tips for keeping your ears healthy In good health:
1. Avoid correspondence in loud noises
High-volume pollutants can include areas such as factories, airports, nightclubs, parties, and loud music. Therefore, avoiding long-term conversation there is a good option for the ear. In addition, in the inevitable case, we can find earphones (similar to headphones) to reduce the pressure of the sound That's all.

2. Use the headset in moderation
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 1 billion young people, including young people, have hearing problems Hardly heard due to improper use of headphones or hearing aids. In the opinion of experts, hearing aids from electronic devices is generally no more than 60% of the time. The volume of the hearing aid should not exceed 60 minutes in one day.

3. Give our ears some rest
If we stay in a place where there is a lot of noise for a long time, like at a music event, a meeting place The noise is so high that we can find some relaxation in the ears, often during rest periods Five minutes. In addition, studies have shown that after our ears experience loud sounds, we should find a place to relax in quiet space over time About 16 hours for the ears to rest and recover.

4. Consider using ear towels
It is very common for most of us to remove ear wax and ear wax, but the doctor Many do not recommend doing this. In fact, ear wax is a special organ that cleans itself and the ear canal is an integral part of In the ear to prevent dust or other small particles from entering the ear. Also, ear canal can sometimes affect the inside of the ear that your doctor does not recommend. Also (easily irritated).

5. Always take the recommended dose
When something goes wrong on the ear, we should seek out a specialist for a consultation on medication Other than this, it is advisable to follow the doctor's prescription for ear health and for hearing this sound. Better
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