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Friday, July 3, 2020

Corona era! A university puts pictures of celebrities in class to maintain social space

Malaysia: Of course, since the outbreak of the Kovud-19 virus, the government has taken strict measures to prevent the spread of the disease by requiring people to keep clean and to keep their distance from others. Meanwhile, restaurants, cafes, or other services are also correctly positioned for customers to stand and set tables apart.

Turning to Sunway University, located in Subang Jaya, Malaysia, has reopened and put some celebrities around the world in a classroom to keep up with the student gap.

The pictures are made of cardboard and cut into pieces, the upper body of which looks like a student sitting in line. Not only that, they were also housed in a university cafeteria.

However, after posting a picture showing the whole class on social media, the university has received a lot of attention and praise from the public.
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