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Monday, October 11, 2021

Very great! The glorious culture of Cambodian civilization now flourished in Dubai

 Dubai, United Arab Emirates: According to the posting of the General Department of Trade Promotion, the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates has entered the second week after the official opening on September 30. 2021 ago. The Ministry of Commerce, on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Commission for Organizing and Participating in the World Expo and International Trade Fair, organized and decorated a 384.5 m2 Cambodian pavilion with two floors to participate in the World Expo. This.

According to the decision of the Royal Government of Cambodia to choose the sub-theme "Sustainability", the Cambodian pavilion is luxuriously designed in the Khmer style with a vision to combine the fame of ancient culture and current economic development. Between the four main periods: the pre-Angkorian period, the Angkorian period, the Longvek period (or the Udong period) and the Chaktomuk period (present-day Phnom Penh). It should be reminded that the Cambodian National Pavilion, among the national pavilions of more than 30 countries, was selected by the World Expo Committee to be put into trial operation on September 24, 2021. So far, the Cambodian pavilion has had thousands of visitors and has received the most attention and admiration from international visitors, especially the Arabs.

Visitors are explained about the construction of a city rich in culture, glorious Cambodian civilization, which is recorded in the history of each period, especially the lives of the Cambodian people in each period, as well as show Develop the economy, trade, and promote investment and tourism. Most visitors are surprised and feel like they have arrived in Cambodia, one of the oldest lands in Southeast Asia, because all the pictures are decorated with realistic designs and sculptures. Heavy, such as Angkor Wat, Jayavarman VII, four-faced Brahma, lion sculptures, Vishnu, Shiva, temple guards, etc. Shipped directly from Cambodia to exhibit at this world event.

The most interesting places to visit are the Angkor Wat market and the beach area where visitors take photos and videos as a souvenir for everyone. Also supported by the Cambodian people living in Dubai, Mr. Duong Chhay, as well as the Chinese delegation and the United Arab Emirates delegation led by HE Rithy Raksmey, Advisor to His Excellency Dr. Nguon Nhel, First Vice President of the National Assembly. Also.

Please be informed that the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates will run for 6 months from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 and will be attended by a number of major countries and international organizations. 192. Cambodia is scheduled to celebrate Cambodia National Day on January 24, 2022 under the presidency of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Khmer culture, traditional dance, Khmer food show, parade, parade, etc. In order to promote and promote Cambodian culture, civilization and tourism in Cambodia to become more famous on the international stage.

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