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Monday, October 11, 2021

This is nature! 50-year-old bride can still marry 25-year-old husband

Yesterday, a few pictures were posted on social media by Luk Damy, the owner of a Facebook page, which shocked many people at the wedding scene of a couple of different ages just seeing their children. The bride and groom do not seem to fit in at all. Love and affection for each other, it is not a coincidence, it is all nature and everything that was once built together from this former nation, if we speak in faith, but if we meet someone we like and Love and that should be well cared for, not just lost and only regret later. At the same time, the thing that makes the public feel more strange about the wedding is that the woman is old. 50 years old, while the man seems to be young, only 25 years old. Also, for all the aspects that have been posted, this is really getting the attention of Facebook users who have received a lot of shares. At the same time, the owner of the Facebook account that posted Describes: "50-year-old bride, 25-year-old groom, you are single, do not despair, mail, but the bride, we already know.

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