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Monday, October 11, 2021

The big thing! Samdech Hun Sen orders police to search Facebook account owner "Prey Lang kra nhung"


A Facebook account called "Prey Lang Kranhung" posted a violent poem on an article in Samdech Techo Hun Sen's page featuring a photo of his grandson. Samdech Techo Hun Sen considers the words he wrote to be violent and extremist. Samdech Techo Hun Sen also ordered the police to search the owner of the Facebook account named "Prey Lang Kranhung".

In response to the insults of this person, Samdech Techo Hun wrote in response: "Please, compatriots, read this article, which is full of violence. This is why I have to eliminate extremist theories and activities at all costs. I have already disbanded a Khmer Rouge political and military organization that made Cambodia as peaceful and developed as it is today. Now there are extremist rebels who need to be eliminated in order for peace to be maintained. "Hopefully the police will find this person, where is he in or outside the country?"

According to the documents that Samdech Techo Hun Sen also posted on Facebook, the name "Prey Lang Kranhong" has a real owner named Voeun Veasna, a 35-year-old male former CNRP activist. Voeun Veasna was issued a warrant by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on May 2, 2021, ordering the authorities to arrest him on charges of "obstructing the implementation of measures and inciting serious social unrest." "

Voeun Veasna is currently living in Thailand and owns the Facebook account "Prey Lang Kranhong" and two other accounts such as "Kranhong Prey Lang" and "Phan Si" and is a member of the CNRP TV group. Australia, New Zealand, Thailand.

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