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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Rath Rachana shows 3 tips that make her lose weight fast

 Singer Rath Rachana has recently seen that her appearance and beauty have changed to be more beautiful, while her kilos have changed almost 180 degrees.

The public is questioning and wanting to know if this star has used any method to make her lose weight so fast.

However, the famous singer through the song Happy Widow, Rath Rachana, revealed three tips that make her lose weight fast now.

Rath Rachana says that the secret that makes me lose weight faster than 20 kg is to do these three ways:

1. Because before I was very fat to almost 80 kg and have too much belly fat, so I decided to pump belly fat at E&M.

2- Then I use DD to lose weight regularly to lose weight faster (Please note DD is not a drug, it is an American fruit to eat and does not affect health).

The third method is to try to exercise and eat a low-fat diet to help keep your weight down.

So, if you want to have a beautiful shape like a designer, try it the way you like it, favorite, less money, does not affect health!

Rath Rachana started to shine on the art street after she interpreted the song Happy Widow via Live on a man Facebook.

Due to her good voice, she also has better art market odds, she always gets a job.

Currently, Rath Rachana is also a member of Mr. Yem Sam Oun's band.

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