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Friday, October 15, 2021

Be careful not to let them in! Both sellers & buyers are not allowed to enter unless they show a vaccination card.

 On October 14, 2021, yesterday, according to the Ministry of Information, the Phnom Penh Municipal Authority confirmed that the Market Commission in Phnom Penh should inform all people who enter and exit the market to show their COVID-19 vaccination card. Arrive at the market security team to be allowed to enter the market. But for market traders, if they do not have a vaccination card, they are not allowed to open a stall.

Mr. Chamroeun Soklim, Chairman of Toul Tum Poung Market Commission, said this morning, October 14, 2021, that in accordance with the Instruction No. 027/21, dated October 5 of Phnom Penh Capital Administration, Toul Tum Poung Market Commission organized at All people are not allowed to enter the market without showing their COVID-19 vaccination card, which means that if they are not vaccinated against COVID-19, they will not be allowed to enter the market. No.

He stated that market traders are not allowed to enter the market without a vaccination card or a certificate of vaccination. He added that for all Toul Tompong market traders, his team has inspected and not a single trader does not have a vaccination card.

As for the Olympic Market, according to Mr. Loy Seang Ang, Chairman of the Olympic Market Commission, confirmed today that in accordance with the Instruction No. 027/21, dated October 05 of the Phnom Penh Capital Administration, we have implemented since Monday, October 11. But for the first day, some traders and people who came to the market showed the vaccination card, but some did not bring the vaccination card with them. But after the promotion of the market committee often, people as well as traders have implemented and cooperated well with the market committee. When entering and leaving the market and doing business in the market, they always have a vaccination card with them.

He also stated that in addition to the farmers and people who come to the market to show the vaccination card, the implementation of the rules of the Ministry of Health is also implemented regularly to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This.

It should also be noted that according to the instruction No. 027/21 dated October 05 of the Phnom Penh Capital Administration, the Phnom Penh Capital Administration has made additional instructions to the people, the management committee, educational institutions, market committee, business owners, location owners, private sector entrepreneurs. And all members of the public are required to present a COVID-19 vaccination card or a COVID-19 immunization certificate or a COVID-19 immunization certificate every time they enter or leave a school, market, or business location in Phnom Penh to prepare. For living with COVID-19 on a new normal trajectory and leading to the re-launch in all areas soon.

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