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Friday, October 15, 2021

Eva: Friends urge husband

Singer Khin Srey Neath alias Eva celebrated her 28th birthday on October 10, 2021, with many fans sending her a series of congratulatory messages. May she be more beautiful and famous. But for the co-star with Eva, Vireak Nich, who is getting ready to get married to Mr. Khieu Pich, the owner of a guesthouse in Kampong Som on On October 16, she wished Eva on her special day briefly, "I wish you a quick marriage to Khin Srey Neath." Although Eva did not openly reply to Vireak Nich However, Vireak Nich's words of congratulations to her will surely make this young star smile and close his mouth because the message is short but the words are not Unlike Ou Vav, Srey Neath's father, he did not bless his beloved bride.

Eva used to say that as a rule, she never celebrates a big birthday with hundreds of guests like other stars, only the fans make it on the stage and her dad holds the cake. Home and eat together with family. The singer, who was born in Kampong Speu province, also used to tell our reporters that those words are like the answer to Vireak Nich that She needs two more years, that is, when she reaches the age of 30, she is thinking about marrying her husband. She admits that someone loves her because it is not clear yet. Then she could not show the face of a special man.

As for Eva's determination that it will take another two years, that is, in 2023, she will definitely give him a headache because he wants his son The sooner the better, because he understands that it is not good to be single for too long, it is just a waste of time because women are like Like flowers bloom when pollinated. But Eva said she was not too early to get married and before the explosion, many celebrities rushed to get married. She understands that because she is old enough to get married, she can no longer wait. It is not too late or worried about going to the museum because it is too late.

   The public is waiting to see which man will be chosen by Eva as her lover after she refuses to reconcile with Mr. B, the owner of the club and pawn shop in Siem Reap for more than 7 years.

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