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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Remember you all! 7 stages of severe infectious disease

Covid-19 has similar symptoms to the common cold, but it can be life-threatening if infected. Corona received untimely treatment. For those who are in poor health, it is easier to fall seriously ill, and the front line doctor in the United States, Dr. Karen Gallardo shows 7 Severe stages of Covid-19 disease.
7 Severe stages of Covid-19 disease

Stage 1: The patient has been weak for 2-3 days and now begins to have difficulty breathing, must be sent to the emergency room. . Oxygen levels in the body require the help of oxygen equipment at 1-4 l / min. Doctors will prescribe antiviral drugs, steroids, anticoagulants or monoclonal antibodies. The patient will spend days in the hospital, but if we can breathe without the help of an oxygenator Doctors will usually allow you to go home.

Stage 2: At this stage, the patient becomes more and more difficult to breathe, feeling like he is drowning. Pulmonary therapy can provide minimal relief and the need for oxygen will increase from 4 liters to 15-40 liters / minute. Small actions, such as relaxing, sitting up, can also be exhausting and difficult to do on your own. The oxygen level in the body drops every time we do the activity, then the doctor will send to the ICU.

Stage 3: The patient begins to breathe heavily to meet the body's need for oxygen. The doctor will install a respirator around the patient's face, with the machine applying pressure to the lungs to open the lungs. Thus, the patient will receive enough oxygen.

Stage 4: The patient's breathing becomes more and more difficult, the doctor can see that the patient is very tired and the amount of oxygen In the patient's blood drops to a low level. Doctors will place oxygen tubes to cleanse the body and help with physical activity. If it looks uncomfortable, doctors recommend that you call your family or loved ones, as it may be time. Finally, the family can hear the patient.

Stage 5: Some patients may survive to stage 5, but unfortunately the oxygen level and general condition of the patient There is no improvement after several days of breathing with the help of a trachea. Covid-infected lungs need the help of oxygen equipment and time to heal, such as an ECMO. But for this machine, small hospitals or communities do not have ECMO machines.

Stage 6: The pressure required to open the patient's interrogation stage is so high that air can penetrate The doctor will insert a tube into the chest to remove air. The patient's kidneys also fail to filter the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Blood pressure begins to drop, the heart begins to stop beating, but doctors will try CPR to get the heart beating again. With no results, the patient's family will have to make a difficult decision.

Stage 7: After several meetings with the medical team, the patient's family will have to decide for the doctor Remove the oxygen tube and the doctor will allow the patient and family to make a final phone call or Facetime. Before the patient's natural breathing disappears.

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