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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Lovely! Rabbi Dare to sell special items

 This Covid season, many celebrities have turned to selling products online, some selling collagen, weight loss products, skin creams, clothes and packaged foods. The difference is that the cream from the nipples (breasts) from black to pink. Just announced the sale of this special product, many men immediately went to ask the rabbi, some Wondering if the rabbi herself used the paint herself?

Can the seller (rabbi) see the nipples to prove the quality to the customers? Rabbi replied briefly that she also used this one to apply on special Please make sure that one week will be effective and if not what she said will give money back to the buyer… But Rabi does not show breasts to customers to see the request. However, it is interesting that fresh singers like Rabi turn to sell such special items.

This Covid season, many celebrities have turned to selling products online, some selling collagen, weight loss products, skin creams, clothes and packaged foods. The difference is that the cream from the nipples (breasts) from black to pink. Just announced the sale of this special product, many men immediately went to ask the rabbi, some Wondering if the rabbi herself used the paint herself?

Can the seller (rabbi) see the nipples to prove the quality to the customers? Rabbi replied briefly that she also used this one to apply on special Please make sure that one week will be effective and if not what she said will give money back to the buyer… But Rabi does not show breasts to customers to see the request. However, it is interesting that fresh singers like Rabi turn to sell such special items.

It is noted that this season, Rabi did not face any economic crisis, although all the Concerts in the province were closed, but this season she was able to buy a condo next door. Riverside cost nearly $ 100,000, while in early 2021 Rabbi spent $ 50,000 to open a cosmetics store. Rabi has not yet released any songs, but she said that there are some songs stored in her hand, she did not dare to come out because she was afraid of the wrong time. This will definitely make her money because the seller is a beautiful woman and a famous singer like this, what is it that male customers are not jealous and want to try to follow the rabbi Well, that….

Rabi will be the dominant singer in the youth music market in 2021 among Ton Chanseima, Reth Suzana and Yuri. This lively dancer always moans like a dove that after breaking up with her young boyfriend, now she can only find one boyfriend like him. But it is suspected that Rabi tried to hide the new couple Do not let people know more because because a girl is beautiful like her, what is the story that there is no man to follow her lover and legs?

It is noted that this season, Rabi did not face any economic crisis, although all the Concerts in the province were closed, but this season she was able to buy a condo next door. Riverside cost nearly $ 100,000, while in early 2021 Rabbi spent $ 50,000 to open a cosmetics store. Rabi has not yet released any songs, but she said that there are some songs stored in her hand, she did not dare to come out because she was afraid of the wrong time. This will definitely make her money because the seller is a beautiful woman and a famous singer like this, what is it that male customers are not jealous and want to try to follow the rabbi Well, that….

Rabi will be the dominant singer in the youth music market in 2021 among Ton Chanseima, Reth Suzana and Yuri. This lively dancer always moans like a dove that after breaking up with her young boyfriend, now she can only find one boyfriend like him. But it is suspected that Rabi tried to hide the new couple Do not let people know more because because a girl is beautiful like her, what is the story that there is no man to follow her lover and legs?

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