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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Sam Mana never married, almost had two children

Former actress Sam Mana recently posted a picture of herself overweight on her Facebook account, much to the chagrin of many of her fans, who have quietly said that Mana is about to give birth to their second child. Who is the father of Mana's children is still hidden by the actress, as she has never been married, but after having a daughter just over a year, she is now pregnant with her second child.

Sam Mana could not be reached on July 21 because her phone did not ring and she could not be reached for comment. However, on Yem's birthday, Sam Oun Krom, 46 years old On February 21, 2021, Mana took her daughter to participate, but she did not dare to show the couple openly. Na dared to ask who her husband was because she was afraid she would be unhappy.

Sam Mana withdrew from her acting career many years ago after it was reported that she was in love with a man in the gasoline business for love. It is said that Mana lives in a luxurious villa and she often drives a luxury car, so it is suspected that she has a wealthy boyfriend behind her back. She has finished her art career, because now she is more focused on fulfilling her role as a housewife and babysitter than wanting to return to her old career.

In addition to Sam Mana, the stars who had children before marriage include Yuk Chenda, Khat Sokhim, Son Srey Pich, Laom Leakena, Neou Sonita, Pich Soulika, Phat Phanna and Duch Lida.

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