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Friday, July 30, 2021

Lok Chumteav Hun Sinath expressed dissatisfaction with the meaning of the song "If a wife has a man, how does the husband feel?"

 Phnom Penh: A few days ago, Smei Hang Meas Production released a music video titled "If a wife has a husband, how does the husband feel?" Sung by Leang Sophalen and starring Wit Wit as the wife in this song, while surprising the public as well as fans with this song.

At the same time, Lok Chumteav Hun Sinath also expressed some interest in this song, she said, "Khmer tradition is not like this, no matter how much society develops as a woman. Husbands should bring their husbands to each other when their husbands make mistakes! If only to ask a question to some men can ask so that they understand how women feel if born again! But if the husband has a wife and we go to have a boy, it is not possible if there are children, what should the children think if the parents forget! I do not like the stock ត្រង់ I say that this act is teaching people to start committing immorality, starting to abandon the tradition, losing more value as a woman 😔 I do not support the production of videos to show this kind of social reality. "

Turning to Facebook star Kaka Kh Australia, there are some comments on this song as well. She said, "Just my opinion on the song, if the wife has a man, how does the husband feel?" Yes, our country has a tradition, but in 100 Cambodian women, how many have such a husband? (50%? 70% 90%?) Because we have established a tradition - they are men, there are women outside. Okay (but if women do it the wrong way) then it means that tradition does not value women already because tradition allows men to treat women like a joke, and please do not say that one difference is the right woman Another is incorrect women because this is a human evaluation! Karaoke girl, factory worker, rich girl, poor girl are all girls !!! The tradition depends on the individual and the genealogy, the education and training of the family, the one who adheres is good, the one who does not adhere is bad, the one who adheres but is abused is bad, he laughs, he is despised.

Women are always cheap. The title is just a question (?) Listen to the meaning of the song, watch until the end (because if you watch until the end, it shows that it is just a husband's dream). Smart Khmer women! Look and just think - (Men deserve that!)

Purpose - I hope that men can see and understand the feelings of some wives (understand, if they use the tradition of holding on to their feet, destroying and trampling a few women, No Problem because they are men!) This song is to educate some cheap apros, please Cambodian women, do not be fooled, imitate the female characters in this song! Because it can affect the telegraph of local men! Thank you! Thank you to all the Cambodian women who can hold on to our Cambodian traditions well and help keep 🙏🏻 those who are brilliant and have a reason not to do it, please do not blame yourself, it is our karma as a life experience!

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