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Saturday, April 10, 2021

7 questions about sex, both men and women are very surprised but ashamed to ask

     Talking about sex can be embarrassing, especially for women, but sexual health information is essential to a happy and safe sex life. If we have any questions related to sexual health, we should ask an expert to get the right information, not to hide in our minds! While the most common questions related to sex, most of us dare not ask

1- Do I have any sexual health problems?

Most of us always want to know if sexual desire and response or body problems or not? As adults, we always want to know for sure that our physical and sexual health is not a problem at all.

The answer to this question is, of course, our sexual health does not matter if life does not affect others or ourselves. No, there is nothing to worry about. We also do not need to feel ashamed when we have strong and frequent sexual desires or can not control our emotions in the situation Exciting. If we can try to reduce this feeling, it can prove that our sexual health is not a problem.

Some of us do not know what we really need, so we have to recognize ourselves as ordinary people and cut Reducing sexual desire in the right way can help us return to the hot and comfortable sex life as desired.

2- How often do we have sex?

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. "Others have sex more often or less often than we do." Do not worry too much about this feeling, because studies in the United States show that couples are married for many years and have sex 1-2 times / Week helps good health, less pain, prevent early pregnancy, as well as less stress due to money and so on. Newlyweds can have sex a little more often, but we will start to reduce it gradually. At the same time of our married life.

3 - When we want to have sex, how should we tell our partner?

Remember that our partners, whether handsome or spouses, are not fortune tellers who know exactly what we want. Therefore, if we have something to say or want to say to each other. To be honest, do not be too prejudiced and try to change what we want from a partner to become a compliment. Men and women, if we like caressing techniques, can say, "My friend, last night when I caressed you before we began to feel you. Very wonderful, I like you to do this, I really do not understand, I love you, I never feel special like last night No, ”he said. When we use such words, our partners will continue to use the same method more with us before the operation.

Sometimes, needless to say, anything can indicate an activity that satisfies us. Keep in mind that partners do not want anything but peace together, so if there is Something should happen, talk to each other.

4- Do not feel like before because of why?

Decreased libido occurs as we age, and in women it may occur during hormonal changes. After menopause. If we lose sexual desire, the first step is to find the cause in advance, can consult a doctor often and Do some blood tests to look for hormonal changes. Make sure you get enough sleep and exercise to reduce the effects of any medication. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. Then check the stress level, we are already there, if the stress is high and need help, be brave to seek advice. Quickly, finally, have time for yourself to do the fun we want to do.

5- A partner used to steal from an outsider, how can he forget this past?

After the adultery, both of us can still repair the relationship. And the first step for the man or woman who steals from outsiders is to tell them to cut off all those relationships and claim Be clear to maintain our marriage. Experts advise us to consult to help us find the cause of our partner's adultery. Find new people and find ways to repair the relationship. More trauma in the family may be the main reason for this. If we can understand our spouse's feelings, understand, listen and show support whenever our partner needs it, then our relationship will go. Smooth face, no matter what the obstacles.

6- How to tell our dream sex feelings to your partner?

Sharing our fantasies about sex with your partner can be scary, especially if you do not. Like this before. Start creating those dreams and keep them in our bedroom. Together we can write what we are imagining on a piece of paper and put it together. At any time, our normal sexual activity is hot or comfortable, can download the list to follow. Many couples have used this method successfully, and even if it sounds crazy, but if we Both sides agree to increase the fun with this dream, want to try something new, we will be surprised by Sexual results are better through this method.

7- How to create sex time with a romantic atmosphere?

Busy couples may forget about things in bed because they are too busy or too busy Too much, too tired, or all the problems are mixing. But we need to make time for our marriage, no matter how busy we are. Wives need a lot of focus together. Do not wait until you have free time to have sex, take a little time from regular work to create happiness Sexual intercourse. Have a special time with only two people every week, know how to organize the daily time and also do not deny too much in bed. Make relationships and sex life important, because if we do not set the right time, it will not It can happen.

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