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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why do some people react when eating eggs?

Everyone knows that eggs are also an ingredient in many foods, whether salty or sweet. What should we do if we or our children can not eat eggs due to allergies?

1. What is the reaction with eggs?

Egg allergy is a type of food reaction in which the body overreacts to the immune system. In food, ie egg yolk or white. This reaction can also cause some serious symptoms. Anaphylaxis is a serious case that needs emergency treatment and treatment with epinephrine. Normally, the immune system fights against viruses and other problems, but now it turns against the egg protein. Using antibodies seems to be harmful to our bodies. This reaction can occur quickly or up to a few hours.

2- Symptoms

People who are allergic to chicken eggs can also react to other eggs, such as goose eggs, duck eggs, and quail eggs. After eating, we may have the following symptoms:

Skin reactions: Swelling, rashes, or hives.

- Difficulty breathing

Runny nose and sneezing

Red or watery eyes

Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Anaphylaxis (rare)

3- Diagnosis

If you or your child has any of the above symptoms, consult a specialist. Your doctor will diagnose you with a skin test or some blood test.

On a skin test, the doctor will apply a small amount of egg-containing liquid to the back of the hand or Hands and inject a small amount of needle so that the fluid penetrates the skin. If a red rash swells for 15 to 20 minutes, that means we are reacting to the substance. That's it. This allows us to see if we are reacting to the egg whites or yolks clearly. But it is not easy to react with egg whites. Your doctor can also test for allergies to other substances in this way at the same time.

For a blood test, your doctor will draw blood and send it to a lab to look for immunoglobulin E antibodies to the protein from Eggs.

If the above test does not have a clear result, the doctor may ask us to eat directly. Under the supervision and control of doctors and staff, we will have to eat a little egg to know the reaction. Anything or not. Because it can cause serious reactions, this test should be done in a consultation room or hospital with emergency equipment. And enough medicine.

There is also another way that we are asked to try foods that contain and do not have any specific substances to determine From the reaction as well. If there are no symptoms when eating eggless food but there are symptoms when there are eggs, then this reaction is likely From that egg.


People who have an allergy to eggs should have a plan in place in case they accidentally eat an egg. Medications such as antihistamines or, in severe cases, epinephrine should be taken.

5 - Eggs in the vaccine

Some flu vaccines also contain egg protein, but it is still safe even if we have an allergic reaction. Eggs, as long as we get vaccinated at a doctor or hospital that has enough equipment to Emergency. If we have an allergy to eggs, we should not get the flu vaccine at a pharmacy or pharmacy in Shopping malls or at work.

However, there is also a type of flu vaccine that does not contain egg protein (the recombinant vaccine). It can be used for people between 18 and 49 years old.

6 - Avoid eating eggs

The best way to control this egg reaction is to avoid eating eggs or egg products. Unfortunately, eggs are an ingredient in many foods. Even egg substitutes still contain egg protein. Therefore, we should be very careful about food by looking at the ingredients clearly and do not forget to ask From the ingredients of food cooked by others.

People who have allergies to eggs, whether white or yellow, should avoid all eggs the same. Because we can not completely separate these two parts.

7 - Make a list

There are some recipes that do not use eggs. One egg can be substituted by mixing water, oil and flour with a tablespoon of yeast. And flour instead of yeast, a teaspoon together. Another way is to mix 1 packet of unflavored gelatin powder with 2 tablespoons of warm water or use flour. 1 teaspoon yeast mixed with a cup of warm water.

If you or your child has more than one reaction, consult a dietitian in detail. But if only one egg, just do not eat eggs.

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