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Friday, January 10, 2020

In addition, tooth decay worsens even if the tooth decay is gone with two medicines

Make sure that you have tooth decay, even if your tooth decay is gone with 2 remedies! Getting whiter teeth can also help: Symptoms: Teeth, toothbrush, and tooth decay are most commonly seen in children, adolescents, and seniors. This is caused by lack of hygiene, bacterial attacks and a lack of minerals in the diet, but don't worry, you can use two remedies, although Shows toothache or tooth decay can also be treated.

+ Salt

Salt is used in antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and pain relief.

How to use:

- Take a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water

50 to 60 seconds, with a focus on the affected area

- Apply three times a day until the tooth does not get sick.
+ Sdao leaf
Soy leaf can not only help keep teeth healthy but also help to keep gums healthy.

How to use:

For easy use, just chewing on a toothpick two to three times a day, bacteria in the teeth will get rid of tooth decay and tooth decay.

However, while using this procedure, you also need to have regular dental hygiene to help keep the teeth healthy and have a healthy smile.

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