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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The reason behind faith walking barefoot through the fire

 Religious fire-walking ceremonies are practiced in many surrounding areas. The world includes India, Japan, China, Fiji, New Zealand, Mauritania, Bulgaria, Spain and the archipelago. This ceremony was also celebrated by the ancient Greeks. There are many forms of fireworks, but the most popular is the walk-through. With bare feet quickly placed on the floor or on the ground. Sometimes executives or priests have to walk on burning logs. In other areas, such as Fiji and Mauritania, executives were flooded. On the head or called "bath bath". These beliefs have been variously explained that they are sometimes celebrated for the harvest. Other high yields to prove that a person is innocent or lying. If they really did not commit the crime, they believed that the fire would not burn. On the other hand, you do not have this faith when walking through the fire will be injured. The belief in China is to prevent natural disasters from occurring. According to Fireworking, this belief dates back to 4,000 BC. White in India.

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