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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Thai company sells used medical gloves to US

Thai police have charged a company with exporting substandard and dirty second-hand medical gloves to the United States. As demand increased during the global Kovid-19 crisis. The announcement comes days after CNN investigated the matter.

Thai Deputy Prime Minister Jurin Laksanavisit, chairman of a special government committee set up to investigate CNN reports, said Paddy the Room Trading faces eight charges of selling medical equipment without permission from Thai regulators.

The Thai company has entered into an agreement with a US company to supply medical gloves. Millions of dollars worth of supplies, but instead supply low-quality latex gloves or disposable gloves By stating as a medical grade gloves. Some gloves are even wet and dirty.

Thai authorities have also ordered an investigation into SkyMed gloves worn by former Thai military officials.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CIB) told CNN that it was working closely with the FBI to investigate the SkyMed brand.

CIB President Jirabhob Bhuridej said: "The Thai government is taking this very seriously and we will make sure "Clearly seek justice for the affected parties."

Some of the gloves delivered to buyers through Paddy the Room are packaged under the SkyMed brand.

Miami Assistant Tarek Kirschen ordered gloves for about $ 2 million from Paddy the Room last year. From last year. The gloves are made by SkyMed.

"The gloves are already used," Tarek said. The gloves are washed and reused. Some gloves are dirty, some are still stained. I can hardly believe my eyes.

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