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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Never met! From the top of the tree, you can see that the snake is actually a rare species of butterfly with strange wings.

 Every day on social media, there are always famous pictures or videos that lead users to follow. Now the image of the three-headed snake is getting a lot of attention. A closer look at them reveals that they are, in fact, not as poisonous reptiles as they seem. Apparently it is an insect, a butterfly-like moth.

According to sources, this species is called Attacus Atlas or Atlas Moth. The popular image was shared on Twitter from an account called @thegallowboob, in which he wrote: "Atlas is the world's largest butterfly."

It can live for about two weeks, during which time it will lay eggs and protect the eggs until they hatch. This animal may be confused with a snake because its hinged wings resemble those of a snake. Such images are rarely seen. According to other reports, most of these insects are found in Asia.

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