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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Congratulations !!! Married for many years, finally 75-year-old grandmother and husband have children

 Jivunben Rabari, a 70-year-old Indian woman who recently gave birth to her first child, has become one of the oldest mothers in India. In the previous case, a 74-year-old woman from India gave birth to twins in September 2019.

According to sources, the grandmother and her husband, 75, have been married and living together for 45 years, but have not been able to have children despite their best efforts.

For example, without giving up hope, they both sought the help of a doctor who told them that the chances of having a natural child for a 70-year-old woman were almost zero because most women go through menopause. Between the late 40s and early 50s, so the only way is to have a medical implant, or IVF, that can make her fertile.

However, this method was really successful, which makes the grandmother and husband very happy that now her son was born healthy and he does not have any health problems.

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