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Friday, September 17, 2021

Younger health care techniques

 Good health is everyone's desire. When we are healthy, each of us enjoys the opportunity to do things smoothly. The following are the health care techniques to avoid all diseases:

1- Drink plenty of water

Water is very important for health, we need to drink more than 2 liters of water a day so that the body is strong and not dehydrated.

2- Exercise regularly

Exercise helps both health and beauty, whether it is running or walking, yoga. At least each of us should take 15-30 minutes / day to exercise.

3- Eat right

Do not just eat, we do not eat foods that are too fatty, too meat, too salty or too sweet, can avoid many diseases such as cancer. Blood, diabetes, salty urine, excess fat, excess acid, etc.

4- Monitor health regularly

Once a year for people aged 30-40 and 2-3 years / once for each of us under 30 years old to go for a health check. Regular health monitoring with a specialist can prevent various health problems in time.

5 - Do not smoke - Drink alcohol

Everyone knows that smoking and alcohol are harmful to health, so we should avoid these two health enemies.

6- Vaccination

Scientists have found a vaccine to prevent some deadly diseases, so we should be vaccinated, as the old saying goes, "better protection. "More than a cure."

7- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are very good for health and skin, so we need to eat both fruits and vegetables regularly.

8- Get enough sleep

According to the medical rules, each of us must get at least 8 hours of sleep / day to be healthy without brain problems.

9- Do not drink energy drinks

The sugar and caffeine in energy drinks make you energetic, but when you drink for a long time, you will not be able to sleep, your heart will be beating fast. High blood pressure, heart problems and so on.

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