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Monday, August 9, 2021

These symptoms clearly indicate that you are infected with Delta and not the original Covid.


As cases of Covid-19 infection are soaring around the world, experts have spent months focusing on the Delta mutation virus.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has once again advised people to wear masks in a closed place, even if they have already been vaccinated.

Dr. Todd Bell, a professor at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, said this was due to the highly contagious Delta mutation virus.

Some studies show that compared to the original Covid-19, Delta virus is more than 1,000 times more likely to infect the nose and respiratory tract of infected people.

Todd Bell compared the vaccine to an anti-Delta armor. He also supported the CDC's claim that mass is a way to reduce the risk of infection.

The Delta mutation virus appears to be active and similar to the original Covid, but doctors have noted some differences.

Fever and cough are symptoms of both viruses, but headaches, nasal congestion, sore throat and runny nose are the most common symptoms in Delta people. Frequent sneezing is also a symptom.

Loss of taste and odor, which is considered a major symptom of the original virus, may occur but is less common in Delta infected people.

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