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Monday, August 16, 2021

Mrs. O Vandin! Some individuals are still confused about the Covid-19 vaccine and are no longer infected with Covid-19.


Phnom Penh ÷ Mrs. O Vandin, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health and spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, confirmed that some individuals are still confused about the Covid-19 vaccine and are no longer infected with Covid-19. Speaking at the press conference, the joint campaign is responsible for preventing the transmission of Covid-19 virus on August 16, 2021.

"Let there be no more confusion, the transmission of Covid-19 virus in Cambodia still exists, even though individuals have already received the Covid-19 vaccine," she said.

"If individuals are still gathering to eat together in a closed place and want to travel to work without implementing health measures, these factors could lead to an outbreak of the Covid-19 virus," she said. One person holding another person for sure.

Ms. O Vandin added that everyone must take care of their health and take responsibility for their own health and share responsibility with local authorities. One to one, family and community as a whole.

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