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Monday, August 30, 2021

If you have these symptoms, you have the highest chance that you have been infected with Covid.

     Almost everyone understands that a persistent cough or high fever is the main symptom of Covid-19, but it is not.

Researchers from the ZOE study program at King's College London, UK, have discovered one of the biggest symptoms, believing that a high percentage of people are more likely to develop Covid if they develop such symptoms.

This symptom is a loss of smell or taste.

The group claimed that people with any of these symptoms were 17 times more likely to be infected with the Covid virus than those without them.

When the epidemic first broke out, the program used symptom reports and tests from millions of participants to confirm that loss of smell, loss of taste, fever and cough could actually predict who was infected without testing.

And months later, the latest research shows that changes in smell and taste are still a major symptom, especially if you have not been tested.

The team has been working with scientists in Israel and the United States to collect data from the first two waves and compare it with scientific data from other foreign communities to see if the same symptoms are present in different populations. Or not.

They examined the reports of more than 10 million respondents from April 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020 and analyzed more than half a million Covid tests and found that the loss of odor or taste was It is most common in people who are infected with the Covid virus at all regional and population forums.

In addition, loss of smell or taste is the most common symptom, regardless of age, sex or severity of the disease.

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