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Sunday, August 29, 2021

A group of fishermen in a poor village found the body of a whale floating on the water and dragged it ashore to find millions of dollars worth of items.

 Surprisingly, a group of Yemeni fishermen were lucky enough to find a floating treasure worth more than $ 1.5 million in the belly of a fish. Male whale. This mammal contains a substance called ambergris (whale vomit) in its stomach, and it is a rare and valuable raw material used in perfumes. According to a BBC report, the fishermen were lucky after a neighbor, Seriah, reported the discovery of a floating whale. Gulf of Aden, southern Yemen, and suspected Ambergris (whale vomit).

"If you find a whale's Ambergris, it is a treasure trove," one of them told the BBC. "After hearing this news, we went to see it, and as we got closer it smelled really hard and we felt that the whale must have had something," he said. "We decided to drag the whale to shore and cut it to see what was in its belly." Fishermen dissected this giant male whale to find Ambergris (whale vomit) as a black treasure, often referred to as floating gold or sea treasure. "When we found Ambergris (whale vomit), I was very happy," he said. The odor from the vomit of the male whale is a popular ingredient in perfumes that is used to help the fragrance last longer. Ambergris (whale vomit) can normally sell for up to $ 50,000 per kilogram.

Ambergris (whale vomit) is produced by male whales to protect their intestinal lining from the sharp squid beaks they eat. According to studies, it is also used as an ingredient in perfumes and aphrodisiacs. Experts say it is very valuable because only 1% to 5% of these male whales can produce and store this substance. The 35 fishermen distributed their treasure equally before distributing the aid to other villagers. "It's unexpected value, we are all poor," said one fisherman. "We never expected it to give us such a large amount."

As a result of years of civil war, up to 80% of Yemen's population has suffered from starvation. And in one of the poorest countries in the world, Yemeni is a country that relies on the fishing industry for its main source of income. But finally their fortune came, and in a short time these fishermen changed their lives, and they were thankful for the stench. With the proceeds from the sale of Ambergris, they bought and built a decent house, bought a car and a boat for their fishing business.

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