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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Too loud! Go to stay at a 5-star hotel, once accused of stealing 4 pillows


Many fans were shocked by the recent incident, according to foreign media reports, an incident in which a fresh girl went to sleep in a five-star hotel and was accused of stealing four pillows. However, after such allegations, she also stated that when entering the hotel, what she likes to do

She also asked for extra pillows before going to bed. The habit is that she always acts like any other luxury hotel and she does not steal. Apparently, she also showed him the only suitcase that was used when entering the hotel and confirmed that the suitcase was so small that it could not fit four pillows into it.

Decided to check the security camera, why wait for more than an hour for security video from the hotel. After waiting for the hotel to return, they said angrily that their camera did not work, and in the end the hotel withdrew the report from the police and nothing happened.

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