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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Observe these 4 signs that you are in love the wrong way.

Here are the signs that you love someone too much and should take a step back to reconsider!

1. Focus on yourself

Focus on them too much, whether with relatives or friends, thinking only of reminiscing about their stories in every conversation. Talking to each other is not a problem, but when it comes to people you love all the time, everywhere, as well as irrational compliments, you are probably too passionate about love.

2. Not feeling well in their absence

Feelings of loneliness can be so common that people miss each other. But in your body you are not happy, you can not live a day without meeting these people, it is clear that you do not think of yourself more than others as before, that is, every breath comes out thinking only of them. .

3. Excessive jealousy

Extremely jealous when they talk to their ex-boyfriends or colleagues and sometimes even their siblings do not want to talk to them. It is not uncommon to be jealous of your girlfriend or others. If you have this character, you are not only considered a blind person, but also a narrow-minded person who is difficult for a partner to live with.

4. Spend less time getting to know each other

Just started to fall in love a few weeks, easy to start dating and less than a few months to plan life, want to get married, that is a sign that you have love straw fire and love the wrong way. Sure, everyone wants to marry someone they love and live with in the future, but in real life it is much more than that. Hastening to connect without knowing each other will lead to a couple's unhappy life after marriage.

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